10% Off In-Stock & Special Order Furniture!
10% Off Spas!
10% Off Grills!
20% Off Game Tables!
50% Off Nirvana Pool Heaters!

May 24, 2014

May. 242014

►    Customer Feedback:   A Seasonal Specialty Stores Report Card was received from Brenda & Bob A., of Merrimack, NH who stated that their general shopping experience with us was Excellent.  “Very nice store, helpful staff.”  Did any of our team members do an unusually good job?  “Yes, they all did a great job.”  Sales help, operations, communication, and product performance were all rated Excellent.  “Sales help were very knowledgeable and helpful.  Answered all questions well.”  In-store advice was rated Excellent.  Would they recommend us to a friend?  “Yes.”  What can we do to improve?  “Advice needed on how to install in-pool ladder.  More tips would have been helpful.  Some tips were given.  Thank you.”  What do we do really well?  “Provided us with a safe, well-constructed pool.  Salesman was very patient will all of my questions and phone calls.  All salesmen did a wonderful job!”

►    Advertising, promotions, sales, everything continues from last week:  “Seasonal Beats Them All”

►    May 24:  Grill Demonstration: Saber R50CC & Saffire 18” smoker:  11AM – 2PM

        May 26:  Memorial Day: Open 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM ONLY

         May 31:  Customer Appreciation Day:  Free Gifts with any purchase, while they last.

►    Remember that we ARE open on Memorial Day, but only from ten until five.

►    Robelle is buying us lunch from Chicken ‘N Chips on Sunday, May 25, and Telescope will be buying it on Saturday, May 31.

►    “You ain’t seen nothing yet!”  One of these days, it will get hot out and we will actually get busy.  So remember this:

  1.  “This too shall pass.”  Around June 20, all the high school students will get out of school and want 40 hours weeks.  Around July 4, the customers will all decide that summer is over, and stop coming in.  So take every hour offered to you now.  The people who get lots of time when we do not need them, are the ones who can actually help customers, and gave us time when we needed it.
  2.  We park in the Gull Group parking lot behind the store, Saturday and Sunday only, now ‘til July sixth.  Between the lines that are on the ground or on the guardrail.  If you don’t see the lines, don’t park there.
  3.  We have to give you time to eat, if you work a full day.  We do NOT have to allow you to leave the building to get food.  So if you do not want to go hungry, bring a lunch.  That’s why we have a refrigerator.  That’s also why we solicit vendors to buy you lunch on summer weekends.
  4.  Immediately, look around to see what we need to be efficient.  Does the Chemical department have a full complement of warehouse sheets, pens, and grease pencils?  How about Pool Care books and Pool Tips?  Daily Sales empty or organized?  Reagents stocked?  Everyone knows how to use the “take a number” at the water lab?  How to move water test reading out of the Parts line?  Be careful at Customer Pickup.  You can cost us a lot of money, a lost customer, or even hurt someone by not paying attention to giving them the right thing.

►    Helping chemical customers?  Remember that the last pages of the Pool Supply section of the Program Book gives you normal summer’s usage of common chemical systems.  That is also on the back of the warehouse pickup clip boards, along with a reminder of things to remind them (calcium, TAC, CYA, sand, DE, test kits, etc.).  Plus, the other page gives you gallons for any pool size and how much it costs to fill a pool!

►    Did you know that we carry a shock equivalent to BQ shock?  And we are way cheaper than Namco on it:  $6.97 a gallon, and $24.97 a case.  It’s not Baquacil Oxidizer, it’s Peroxide Shock.  It’s not as good as Baquacil Oxidizer, because it is more likely to get weaker over time, and we don’t know if the “inert ingredients” are as good – or even compatible with Baquacil.  But it is cheaper!  It’s in the Discount Pool Chemical section.

►    I have put all gas heaters and heat pumps on sale, in order to compete more with the internet.  Please look at the Minimax 100 prices.  All of a sudden, no one is buying them.  Is it because they are on a separate sale sign and no one sees it?  At $647 they are REALLY CHEAP!

►    We received $744 in commissions on inground liner sales this week.  Thank you to whoever gave out the folders.

►    The Visscher special order page has been revised to show everything that is on their website – according to them.

►    The Pool Park map has been updated to show correct pool, liner, and some filter names.  The Cascade switched back to its current name:  Reprieve.

►    If someone gives an employee a really good compliment, give them the card that you carry with your business cards (Please Tell The World), that tells them how to review us online.  It is very important to get good reviews already there, before someone tries to trash us.  Because once you get a bad review, most sites will not post good reviews for the following six months.

►    We created a set of directions for installing an overlap liner; copied from the Sharkline pool installation directions.  We are now keeping them in the literature rack in the Liner department.

►    When you see us low on a form, refill it.  If you take the last one, immediately refill it.  We couldn’t give someone a receipt for their APC repair, because the box was empty and there was no time to track where new ones were.  If that was done for the fourth, third, second, or last one, there would have been plenty of time to restock.

►    Weekly Fire Alarm Tip: The assembly point is the gazebo in the parking lot.  After exiting the building, proceed there and wait for roll call.  Customers should make their way there as well.  Once customers know that they have their full party,  they may leave.  If the gazebo is not accessible, the alternative meeting point is under the ground sign on Route 101A. Fire alarm procedures are tested once a quarter.  Your score on this test plays a part in the amount of your quarterly bonus.  A complete answer key is returned with each graded test.  If you would like another copy, please ask Jen!!

►    More jokes for a fourth-grader:

–        Why can’t a woman ask for help from her brother?  He can’t be a brother and assist her, too.

–        Johnny:  “When I grow up I want to make millions and live in a mansion that has no bathtubs.”  Teacher:  “Why do you want a mansion with no bathtubs?”  Johnny:  “I want to be filthy rich!”

–        Where do cows go to have fun?  To a-moos-ment parks.