New Chemicals
All three of our chemical brands have exciting new programs for us this year. Baquacil has a new product called CDX, that you add weekly to prevent bioslime, by maintaining shock levels longer. The idea is to add the CDX, and ¼ of your usual monthly shock weekly; so you don’t actually use more shock, you just use a different schedule. If you use the new 4-way Baquacil Test Strips with a shock test built in, you can watch your shock levels, too.
Bioguard has a new product: Silk Sticks™. They have replaced Stingy Sticks. They’re blue, the chlorine lasts just as long, and they have the added benefit of water enhancers to make your pool water softer, clearer, and more comfortable.
Possibly our most exciting new product is Relax™. Customers who have heard of it have been asking me for it for at least four years now. I’ve been watching a test in our association’s Rhode Island store for that entire time, because I couldn’t believe it was true. Well, it is. Our group has well over 1000 pool owners who love it! Relax™ is once-a-week pool care in a box. It’s based on chlorine and mineral chemistry used in a whole new way.