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March 14-17

Converting from Chlorine or Bromine to Baquacil®

For best results, bring in a water sample for a computerized water balance and metals test before you start.  If you are starting with fresh water, skip steps one and three. 

1.)  Remove chlorinating or brominating source (pill, stick, tablets, etc.), and make no further addition of these products. Disconnect the chlorine feeder if practical.

2.)  If the pool water was found to contain metals, add ______________ bottles of Baquacil Metal Control (at 1 bottle per 10,000 gallons for every 2 ppm present).  Even if there are no metals present, all plaster finished pools must be treated with Metal Control.  See the notes below.  Allow the water to circulate for eight hours before adding oxidizer, CDX or Sanitizer.

3.)  Test the free chlorine or bromine level.  If it reads above 1.0 ppm, wait until it drops below that by itself.  The sun should do that in a day or two.  When the free chlorine level reads below 1.0 ppm, continue.

4.)  Add ____________ gallons of Baquacil Oxidizer (at 1 gallon per 10,000 gallons), in front of the skimmer, not inside it, with the filter running.  This will serve to eliminate small amounts of chlorine, as well as to set up a base Oxidizer level.  If you have more than one skimmer, pour equal amounts in front of each; but totaling only the amount shown.  Go right to step 5.

Economy Program

5A.)  You don’t use CDX.  Go right to step 6A.





6A.)  Then add ________ ounces of Baquacil Algicide (at 5 ¼ ounces per 10,000 gallons  initial dose). Allow the pool to filter continuously for 24-48 hours, before going to step 7.


CDX Program

5B.)  Immediately after adding the oxidizer from step 4, add ________ pints of Baquacil CDX (at 4 pints per 10,000 gallons); directly into the skimmer with the filter running.  If you have more than one skimmer, pour equal amounts into each; but totaling only the amount shown.  Then go right to step 6B, or allow the pool to filter continuously for 24-48 hours, before going to step 7.

6B.)   Optional:  Then add ________ ounces of Baquacil Algicide (at 5 ¼ ounces per 10,000 gallons initial dose). Allow the pool to filter continuously for 24-48 hours, before going to step 7.  People rarely get algae in pools using CDX, so you could skip this until you actually get algae.  Then, see us for a solution.
















7.)  24 to 48 hours after adding the initial Oxidizer, add __________ pints of Baquacil Sanitizer and Algistat (at 4 pints per 10,000 gallons) directly into the water to achieve a concentration of 50 ppm.  The addition of Baquacil Sanitizer and Algistat may cause the pool to become temporarily hazy.  This haze should clear within 24-48 hours with filtration. Congratulations. You are now swimming in a Baquacil Pool.

See page two for Weekly Maintenance


8.)  When starting a plaster pool on the Baquacil Pool Care System:  It is important to chelate potentially damaging trace metals from the pool water.  After chlorine is removed and before the addition of Baquacil Sanitizer, all plaster pools must be treated with Baquacil Metal Control regardless of metal analysis.  Plaster pools are particularly susceptible to scale build-up and metal staining on the surface as a result of improperly balanced water and trace metals in make-up water.  The scale may appear as rough patches on the plaster surface and may vary in color due to other impurities (particularly metals) that may be present.  If you see existing metal stain discoloration, do not convert to the Baquacil Pool Care System unless the pool surface is properly treated (acid washing, sand blasting, etc.) to remove the accumulated deposits.  Existing stains may intensify and/or alter their color if these precautions are not followed. It is more likely to happen in older pools. 

9.)   A chlorine stabilizer (cyanuric acid) reading over 50 ppm will interfere with the test for total alkalinity.  Actual  Total Alkalinity= Tested Total Alkalinity – 1/3 CyA Level. What does this mean to you?  If you have a stabilizer level over 45 pmm when you start converting, you will have it when you finish.  It will go away slowly over a year or two. However, we won’t test for it in a Baquacil program, because Baquacil pools don’t have stabilizer in them.  Until your level drops below 50 ppm, you will need to have us test your water during a water balance in a Baquacil Program and a chlorine program and we will have to manually adjust your total alkalinity treatment.

                     MAINTAINING YOUR BAQUACIL POOL   

10.)  Use  Baquacil Test Strips, following the instructions on the bottle or included in the Pool Care Guide. Check the Baquacil Sanitizer and Algistat, Oxidizer and pH levels weekly. Make adjustments as necessary.  If you are on the Economy Program, ignore the Oxidizer reading.  If you are on the CDX Program, and the Oxidizer level drops to “Add initial dose” add the initial dose of Oxidizer from step 4 instead of the weekly dose.  If the Oxidizer reading drops to “Add initial dose” two weeks in a row, call us for advice.

11.)  Top up Baquacil Sanitizer levels to 50 ppm whenever your sanitizer level is at or near 30 ppm.  Use the dosage chart in the Pool Care Guide, on the Program Log, or on the Pool Care Calculator.


Economy Program

12A.)  Add __________ ounces Baquacil Algicide (at 1.3 ounces per 10,000 gallons) every week. Don’t use too much, as it could make your water foamy. If you get “soap bubbles” when you splash, and your calcium levels are normal, reduce your algaecide amounts until the foaming stops—or switch to Baquacil Performance Algaecide.



13A.)  Add _________ gallons of Baquacil Oxidizer (at one gallon per 10,000 gallons) every month; in front of the skimmer,        not inside it, with the filter running.


14A.)  You don’t use CDX, so now you’re  done.

CDX Program 

12B.)  Optional:  Add __________ ounces Baquacil Algicide (at 1.3 ounces per 10,000 gallons) every week or every month. Don’t use too much, as it could make your water foamy. If you get “soap bubbles” when you splash, and your calcium levels are normal, reduce your algaecide amounts until the foaming stops—or switch to Baquacil Performance Algaecide.  People rarely get algae in pools using CDX, so you could continue with this weekly, monthly, or stop using it completely until you actually have algae.  Then, see us for a solution.

13B.)  Add _____________ quarts of Baquacil Oxidizer (at 1 quart per 10,000 gallons) every week; in front of the skimmer, not inside it, with the filter running.  If you have more than one skimmer, pour equal amounts in front of each; but totaling only the amount shown.  Alternatively, use only one skimmer, but use a different skimmer every week.

14B.)  Right after adding the Oxidizer, add __________ pints of Baquacil CDX (at 1 pint per 10,000 gallons) directly into the skimmer.  If you have more than one skimmer, pour the CDX into whichever skimmer you poured the Oxidizer in front of.  Our goal is to have the CDX run through the lines right after the Oxidizer.


















15.)  Clean your filter with Baquacil® Filter Cleaner twice a summer:  best would be mid-July and when closing your pool.

16.)  Have us test your water balance three times a summer:  at opening, mid-July, and just before closing.

Revised:  5/17/12

Please let us help you, anytime.



Pool Size:    ___________ Gallons                Technician:  ___________                 Date:   ________________

We write Pool Tips for the exclusive use of our own local customers. They are meant as a summary of general information, to be discussed in our store, with our staff, to determine which items are best for specific pools. Pool Tips are a trademark of Gull Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

Our suggestions assume that you have given us a proper description of your pool’s size, history and symptoms. Sometimes we can figure it out, sometimes we can’t. Your doctor has years more training, far better diagnostic tools, and makes way more money—and sometimes he or she gets it wrong, too.

    1. Read all labels carefully, and only use chemicals exactly as described on the label. Never mix chemicals together outside of the pool. Some of them can cause a fire or explosion.
    2. Do Not follow any advice or suggestions here without coming into the store, customizing them to your specifics, and receiving them in writing.
    3. Do Not print these out or reproduce for any purpose whatever. They are all copyrighted, and we take our copyrights very seriously.
    4. Don’t Blame Us for anything. It’s free advice, and worth the price paid. We’re trying to help, but pools are complex, and chemicals and electricity are dangerous.
    5. Our Best Advice: Go find a local pool dealer who knows what they are doing, become a steady customer, and give them a chance to learn about you and your pool. Pick a brand, pick a store, and stay with them.