
Up to 75% Off Select Furniture

50% Off Pools w/ Premium Packages!

20% Off In-Stock Spas!

40% Off Pool Heaters!

25% Off Grills!

25% Off Polaris Pool Cleaners!
40% Off Variable Speed Pumps!

Dear Dennis:

We must have been too busy enjoying our new pool last summer to stop and say “thank you”. However, since you have started this year with the same attention to detail that you continually provided us with last year, we want to thank you up-front.

Thank you and your staff for:

  • Being friendly and courteous whenever we came in;
  • Taking the time to sit with us individually to review and explain our options in detail;
  • Encouraging us to shop around for the best value;
  • Answering all of our “new pool owner” questions in a professional manner;
  • Remembering us by name whenever we came in;
  • Personally working with Sharkline to expedite our pool delivery after a communication snafu;
  • Recommending Dick Blase, an experienced professional, to install our pool;
  • Providing quality products;
  • Recommending the “Octoclean” automatic pool cleaner;
  • Cheerfully replacing defective accessories.

Dennis, we thought that pool ownership was going to require long hours of cleaning and maintenance. However, we still can not believe how easy it is to maintain this pool. Also, Baquacil is fabulous; everything you and the ads say about it is really true!

Looking forward to a long, hot summer…

Ernie and Pat
Pepperell, MA

P.S. – Please say hello to Vito for us!