April 13, 2012
► Customer Feedback: We received the following email from Steve H: “Hi Patrick, Just wanted to send a quick note saying how great the cover installation went and I am very satisfied with the result. I was impressed with how precise they were to ensure everything lined up exactly right. From what I heard it wasn’t the easiest installation given the shape of the pool and the weight of the cover. And thank you for all your time and help. I’ll be seeing you in the spring with a smile given how easy it will be to open up the pool now.
► Sort of new advertising starts April 14: “April Pre-Seasonal Sale”. Of course, the newsletter is just getting out, too. All the other promotions continue.
► There were 36 One-of-These Awards in March; two for customer service. Finalists were Victor, Seth, Stephanie, and Kristine. Owner’s Choice was Kristine, and the drawing winner was Joe. Congratulations to you all.
► Submitted by Stephanie:
– Please do not throw away any of the plastic stripping that is on the shelves to protect/hold shelf tags. We can always use them. If you take down shelves in the future, leave the plastic pieces on. Thank you.
– We are getting into summer, where time and space are more and more valuable. If the Green Box fills up, take it out to the dumpster, don’t add another box next to it as the first one overflows and takes up space. Thank you.
► Happy Fifth Anniversary to Stephanie. Have some anniversary cake in the Coffee Shop Saturday, April 13.
► Happy First Anniversary to Rebecca on Saturday, April 20. Have some anniversary cake in the Coffee Shop that day.
► Submitted by Victor: Heads up: There are additions to the “Closing Checklist”.
- Daily cleaning of Jeanne’s bathroom. This is located in the back office and can only be done when Dennis/office personnel are present.
- Waxing the scuffed area in front of registers 1&2. Also, daily mopping of bathroom and break room floors. Any questions, ask Victor.
► Pool Opening School is coming up. Let people know they need to sign up soon. Don’t miss out.
► I gather that we need a better explanation, or a reminder. We NEVER drink coffee in front of a customer unless the customer joins you. If you offer them a cup and they decline, you put yours away. The only thing you drink in front of a customer is water. And then, only from a clear container, so they can see it is water.
► From Mia: Reminder: We should not be using the old Waterlink anymore. Please use Waterlink 10. If you have any questions, please see me.
► From the Hippo:
Least competent criminals: Lee W, 35, and Adrian S, 32, pleaded guilty in connection with a burglary at Durham (England) University’s Oriental Museum, in which they heisted artwork worth the equivalent of about $2.7 million and hid it in a field in April 2012. However, they have been unable to help authorities locate the bounty (even with the reward of sentence-reduction) – because they have forgotten exactly where they stashed it. Eventually, hikers unconnected with the case discovered it and notified police. Said the judge, “This is not an offense that can be described as sophisticated.”
► Internet Humor: The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The nun made a note, and posted on the apple tray: “Take only ONE. God is watching.” Moving further along the lunch line, at the other end of the table was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies. A child had written a note, “Take all you want. God is watching the apples.”