
Up to 75% Off 2024 Furniture

50% Off Pools w/ Premium Packages!
40% Off Nirvana Pool Heaters!

20% Off Pool Cleaners!

40% Off Variable Speed Pumps!
30% Off Special Order Furniture!
20% Off Spas!
20% Off Grills!

Sep. 212013

September 21, 2013

►    Customer Feedback:  An anonymous customer stated that their general shopping experience with us was Excellent.  “The employees are helpful and friendly.”  Did any of our team members do an unusually good job?  “Victor:  Did special chlorine test.   Patrick:  Solved the new fill balance of water (after 5 gal. of super shock in 2 weeks). Seth: Did an excellent job in the sale of our pool & furniture.”  Sales help, operations, and product performance were all rated Excellent.  They would recommend us to a friend.  What do we do really well?  “Sell quality products.  Water test service.”

►    New advertising and weekly specials start Sunday, September 22:  “Billiard Clearance”.  All monthly promotions continue from last week.  This month’s color is gray.

►    Wednesday, September 25 is our final Pool School:  Inground Closing.  If you are scheduled on until 8:15, expect that you will be here until 9:00 or later.

►   Happy Birthday to John, on September 27.  We will celebrate with cake in the Coffee Shop on Saturday, Sept. 28 (and probably leftovers on Sept. 29).  Too bad John won’t see it!

►    Submitted by Anne-Marie: If a customer cancels a sales order, and you give a refund on the sales order, please do not delete the sales order. Also, do not delete all of the line items on the sales order.  If you do, the back office can’t see the refund, reports don’t balance, and we spend a lot of time trying to figure out what happened. Instead, leave one jackpotted line item representing the department the sales order was for (furniture, billiard, etc.), and put the original amount of the total sales order on that item.  By leaving a jackpotted line item, the system will not show a commitment or requirement for stock items.  We will get to see it in the back office, generate our reports, then eventually delete the sales order. Thank you.

►    Submitted by Jen,

Weekly Fire Alarm Tip: Once outside, assistant managers should perform all other tasks from there.  Never re-enter!!  At the gazebo:  Give the MSDS books to someone with instruction to hand them over to the fire department when they arrive.  Assign someone to check on employees assisting customers leaving at the main and patio exit.  Assign someone to unlock the gates at the solarium so people can get out of the yard, if necessary.  Assign someone to check the exterior doors from outside for closure.  Assign someone to unlock the back gate if needed.  Fire alarm procedures are tested once a quarter. Your score on this test plays a part in the amount of your quarterly bonus. A complete answer key is returned with each graded test. If you would like another copy, please ask Jen.

►    To the best of my knowledge, most of the billiard accessories just came in.  There are a few important items for packages due in any day from Crystal Leisure and Legacy.  The new light oak accessories for the Supreme Playing Package will be another week or so.

►    Congratulations.  I think fewer people virtually died in last quarter’s written fire drills.  Now that I have some experience in grading them, I will put a new grading and bonus plan into effect for next quarter:

  1.  Wrong or missing answers will affect your performance bonus by $1 each.
  2.  Failing to return your test in time will be the same as missing every answer.
  3.  Getting 100% correct will actually increase your bonus by the same $1 per answer.  So 8/9 is a $1 decrease, but 9/9 is a $9 increase.

►     Congratulations to Joe C, Roz, and Landon for getting 100% right, and to Seth for getting 100% on one of his three tests.

►     Stupid Criminals: Seems this guy wanted some beer pretty badly.  He decided that he’d just throw a cinder block through a liquor store window, grab some booze, and run.  So he lifted the cinder block and heaved it over his head at the window.  The cinder block bounced back knocking him unconscious.  It seems the liquor store window was made of Plexi-Glass.  The whole event was caught on videotape.

Feb. 182019
►     This week’s report card comes from the Smerekaniczs from New Boston.  They said that their shopping experience was excellent, mostly because Stephanie was so amazing.  They also said that the best thing we could do for our business would...
Feb. 112019
►     The Whites from Londonderry send us some very positive feedback!  “We love shopping at Seasonal Specialty Stores – there is such a great selection!  Everyone was awesome.  Nobody did a bad job – everyone was great.  You have a...
Feb. 22019
►     James & Jackie from Westford, MA have this to say about us:  Always professional and efficient.  Sean helped us buy a Saber grill.  Everyone was timely and polite and nobody did an unusually bad job.  We really appreciate the...