
Up to 75% Off Select Furniture

50% Off Pools w/ Premium Packages!

20% Off In-Stock Spas!

40% Off Pool Heaters!

25% Off Grills!

25% Off Polaris Pool Cleaners!
40% Off Variable Speed Pumps!

August 9, 2014

Sep. 162014

►    Customer Feedback:   Customer John E., from Gilford, NH stated that his general shopping experience with us was Excellent.  “Nice greeting – knowledgeable.”  Did any of our team members do an unusually good job?  “Andrew.”  Sales help, operations people, communication, and product performance were all rated Excellent.  “Good info – pleasant.”  “Polite and pleasant.”  “Never had a problem.”  Would he recommend us to a friend?  “Yes, good prices and products.”  What do we do really well?  “Everything!”

►    Advertising, promotions, and specials all continue from last week:  “August Clearance Sale”

►    Learn the Seasonal Reward$ Coupon rules:  they give you the serial number of the coupon, and then you take and fill out a Replacement Coupon from the coupon shelf.  It’s $10 off a $100 total purchase.  One coupon per customer.

►    Remember.  Clearance prices may rise at any time.  First come, first served, no rainchecks.  Stock items only.

►    Good luck to Luke, whose last day should be today; before heading to Chicago for college.  Good luck to Rebecca; leaving for college in Vermont late next week, and also to Stephen; leaving for work in Germany late next week.

►    Remember to tell people that we are closing at 4PM next Saturday.

►    When you get to Kimball Farm, tell the traffic person that you are with the Gull Group event, and you will be in a special events parking lot.  Then find our tent, and check in with their employee coordinator, who will look you up on the invitation list, and give you a wristband for the barbeque, ice cream buffet, and the activities.

►    There is no rain date for the Safety Reward Party at Kimball Farm next Saturday.  Even if it is raining, we will have the Barbeque and Awards under the tent.  If you show up, they will give you a coupon to come back whenever you want, for all the activities.

►    Upcoming Events:

August 9:  Customer Appreciation Day:  Free Gifts with any purchase, while they last.

August 16:  We’re closing at 4:00PM so we can all go to Kimball Farm for a Safety Reward Party.

August 23:  Happy Birthday Jim:  FREE birthday cake in the coffee shop, while supplies last.

August 27:  Pool School 303 ~ Above Ground Pool Closing, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

August 31:  August Clearance Sale ends today.

►    You may be aware in the news that municipal water companies around the country have been forced to tell people not to drink their tap water due to algae-based toxins.  The most well know was Toledo, OH.  They are not outbreaks of actual algae – it is blue-green or black algae, which is actually cyanobacteria.  And yes, it is related to the “black algae” that we get in swimming pools.  We don’t expect enough toxins in a pool with “black algae” because people drink very little pool water, and we never get enough cyanobacteria in a pool to “bloom” in the water.  Normally, we only get small patches on the walls.

►    Last week, we had ten people given our name on Yelp; two of whom clicked through to our directions.

►    The One-of-These awards that we normally would do on August 3 will be at the party next Saturday.

►    We are going to start two new policies Sunday, August 10th.

  1.  Trade-ins on automatic pool cleaners.  $25 to $100 depending on the item traded in, and only on new cleaners selling for $350 and more.
  2.  We will take Namco Blue Shield Liquid Chlor 5 gallon drums back, but only for a $5.00 credit towards something they buy on the spot.  The item number (#2719) is on the signs and in the register books.  And we need to be able to bring them back to Namco, so only during the spring and summer, when the Nashua Namco is open.  But not during late fall and winter when they are closed.  Another instance of unbelievable customer service by us.

►    From Anne-Marie: Cashiers, please do not change anyone’s email address in Retailpro that are on the Seasonal Reward$ Program. Instead, give them the card to send an email to me to change it.  We just sent the August email blast out.  Many emails bounced back.  When I went to check them, I found that their email address in RetailPro did not match what I had on their “Mail Chimp” profile.  If we have changed a customer to Seasonal Sense because their email bounces, and a cashier changes the program back to Seasonal Reward$, and adds their email address, I have no way of knowing that in the back office. If you have any questions either drop a note to me or call me.  Thanks.

►    We no longer take things to the UPS store to be shipped.  Fedex will pick up here for $10 LESS per box, and even less when the idiot at the UPS store pushes the wrong button (like $120 vs. $20).  The trick:  Ann A. is our new small package shipping manager, because she know how to use their website.

►    From Patrick: For those of us selling safety covers. When you write up a measurement to give to Paul please put down on the contract what shape and size if possible the pool. We currently have been giving Paul no information on the cover he will be measuring.  Any questions please see me.

Added by Dennis: At a bare minimum, he needs rectangular (which takes one person minutes), or free form (which takes two people and hour or more).  This makes a big difference in scheduling hot tub repairs the same day.

►    Make your own sundaes are here, from your Tip Jar – courtesy of your warehouse team turning in their tips, and recycling your aluminum cans and other metal.  Enjoy.

►    When you receive your Seasonal News at home, please write the date on it and give it to me.  If you want another copy, take one from the store.

►    The YouTube video that was shot here two weeks ago is available on YouTube.  Look for Seasonal Specialty Stores Amherst.  We have three of them there:  the new one introducing our store, the one from a few years ago starring Anne-Marie in a hot tub (really, really good) and a small one that Seth may have used at a home show.  The new one was actually shot for our new website – which Rose is now proofing.  A lot of work – there are 250 pages.

►    Free theater tickets.  Two tickets to the premier of “The Voysey Inheritance” at the Peterborough Players Wednesday, August 20th.  Worth $70.  No time for a drawing.  First person to ask for them gets them.  More information on the lunch room wall.

►    Real Jokes:

–        I went to the doctors the other day and I said, “Have you got anything for wind?”  So he gave me a kite.

–        My mother-in-law fell down a wishing well, I was amazed, I never knew they worked.

–         I saw this man chatting up a cheetah; I thought, “He’s trying to pull a fast one”.

►   Anti-Jokes:

–   I still remember the last words my grandpa said before he kicked the bucket.  He said, “Hey, how far do you think I can kick this bucket?”

–   A man walks into a bar.  His alcohol dependency is tearing his family apart.

►    Am I the only one who thinks the Anti-Jokes are funnier than the real jokes?

Feb. 182019
►     This week’s report card comes from the Smerekaniczs from New Boston.  They said that their shopping experience was excellent, mostly because Stephanie was so amazing.  They also said that the best thing we could do for our business would...
Feb. 112019
►     The Whites from Londonderry send us some very positive feedback!  “We love shopping at Seasonal Specialty Stores – there is such a great selection!  Everyone was awesome.  Nobody did a bad job – everyone was great.  You have a...
Feb. 22019
►     James & Jackie from Westford, MA have this to say about us:  Always professional and efficient.  Sean helped us buy a Saber grill.  Everyone was timely and polite and nobody did an unusually bad job.  We really appreciate the...