
Up to 75% Off 2024 Furniture

50% Off Pools w/ Premium Packages!
40% Off Nirvana Pool Heaters!

20% Off Pool Cleaners!

40% Off Variable Speed Pumps!
30% Off Special Order Furniture!
20% Off Spas!
20% Off Grills!

December 20, 2014

Dec. 202014

►    New advertising and weekly specials start Sunday, December 21:  “Seasonal Greetings”

►    Happy Birthday to Jeanne on Sunday, December 21.

►    Remember, we close at 3PM on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.  We are closed Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.

►    VERY IMPORTANT.  People need to know we are closing early on Christmas Eve, so that they get here in time to pick up Christmas presents.  And if you want to be really helpful, tell them to pick up now – don’t wait.  What if it snows?  Or if they are stuck in traffic?

►    Customer Feedback:  Customer Claudia B., from Lowell, MA stated that her general shopping experience with us was Excellent.  “Great experience with staff and product.”  Did any of our team members do an unusually good job?  “Patrick was great in guiding us to select the best pool package for our lifestyle.”  Sales help, operations, communication, and product performance were all rated Excellent. “Absolutely love the quality and look of our new Sharkline pool.”  What do we do really well?  “Excellent customer service and product.”  What do we do really well?  “Follow-up and guidance during the beginning of the shopping process.”

►    For most of you, your Quarterly Bonus Goal floats with the number of hours you work during the quarter.  For a few;  particularly those who have been here a long time, it was rounded off to a flat amount that was a guess at how many hours you might work.  That dates from when it would be too much work to figure it out exactly.  Starting in December (for your March bonus) yours will float also.  So you will see an odd amount, which could be a little less or a little more than the flat estimate.  It should end up being the same.  Possibly a little less in winter, and a little more in summer.

►    A hint:  open your pay notice this week. Your Christmas Bonus is an actual, old-fashioned check – not an automatic deposit.

►    If you are new, you may not know about the candy canes this week.  They were hand-made in Wilton, using all natural ingredients.  You can taste the butter.

►    From Ann A.: To everyone who is lucky or unlucky enough to be working on Christmas Eve, I will be making my annual Christmas chili for lunch.  I will supply the chili and the condiments for the chili such as cheese, onions, etc. If anyone wants to bring in soda, corn bread, corn chips or deserts please feel free to do so!!  The more food the merrier!!

►    More Internet Humor:

  • A very thin man met a very fat man in the hotel lobby. “From your looks,” said the fat man, “There might have been a famine.” “Yes,” was the reply, “ And from your looks, you might have caused it.”
  • Two attorneys went into a restaurant and ordered two drinks. Then they brought out sandwiches from their briefcases and started to eat. The owner marched over and told them, “You can’t eat your own sandwiches here!” The attorneys looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and then exchanged sandwiches.
Feb. 182019
►     This week’s report card comes from the Smerekaniczs from New Boston.  They said that their shopping experience was excellent, mostly because Stephanie was so amazing.  They also said that the best thing we could do for our business would...
Feb. 112019
►     The Whites from Londonderry send us some very positive feedback!  “We love shopping at Seasonal Specialty Stores – there is such a great selection!  Everyone was awesome.  Nobody did a bad job – everyone was great.  You have a...
Feb. 22019
►     James & Jackie from Westford, MA have this to say about us:  Always professional and efficient.  Sean helped us buy a Saber grill.  Everyone was timely and polite and nobody did an unusually bad job.  We really appreciate the...