October 21, 2017
► Matthew D. from Manchester, NH recently sent in his Seasonal Specialty Stores Report Card. When asked if any of our members did a particularly good job he replied “Mia – very knowledgeable about pools in general”. When asked about his general shopping experience, the sales people, the operations people, our communication, and our products he gave 100% good ratings across the board. He said that yes he would recommend us to a friend, because we have “professional staff, reasonable prices”.
► Advertising, Sales, and Promotions all continue from last week: The Best of the Best.
► Events during the next couple of weeks:
October 25-31: Halloween’s coming. Trick-or-Treat for some Halloween candy here, while supplies last.
November 18: Happy November Birthday Ryan. Celebrate with birthday cake in the coffee shop, while it lasts.
November 22-26: Black Friday, Plaid Friday, and Small Business Saturday. Doorbusters!
November 23: Closed Thanksgiving, so we can all be with our families.
► Laughter The Best Medicine: Honestly, my biggest fear about becoming a zombie is all the walking. – @gashleymadison