
Up to 75% Off 2024 Furniture

50% Off Pools w/ Premium Packages!
40% Off Nirvana Pool Heaters!

20% Off Pool Cleaners!

40% Off Variable Speed Pumps!
30% Off Special Order Furniture!
20% Off Spas!
20% Off Grills!


Nov. 102017
►      We got a Report Card back from Denise T. of Manchester, NH.  Denise says her shopping experience with us was excellent in every way; she gave high ratings for general experience, sales help, operations, communication, and our products!  She...
Nov. 62017
►     Happy Birthday to Ryan on Tuesday November 7th. ►      We got a Report Card back from Dodie and Tim D. from Candia, NH.  They said their shopping experience at the store was excellent., and that Patrick did an exceptional...
Oct. 302017
►     From Anne-Marie: Please mark your calendar.  The date for our annual Seasonal Wrap Party is Saturday, January 6th, at the Country Tavern Restaurant with games, hot tubs, raffles, and fun at the store after dinner. ►     Ken S. from...
Oct. 252017
►    Matthew D. from Manchester, NH recently sent in his Seasonal Specialty Stores Report Card.  When asked if any of our members did a particularly good job he replied “Mia – very knowledgeable about pools in general”.  When asked about...
Oct. 192017
►   THANK YOU THANK YOU to Joe for 25 years working here on Saturday October 14th. ►    Jeff Y. from Greenfield, NH said that his recent shopping experience with us was excellent because of “great sales staff and takes time...
Oct. 102017
►    Ryan B. from Amherst, NH said this about his recent experience with us, “Kristine – she was incredibly knowledgeable and very patient answering our questions”.  Ryan also said that NONE of the employees he interacted with did a bad...
Oct. 102017
Pulling out the gas grills is a routine start to designate that summer has officially begun. Still, they can get used whenever it’s safe to, and safety matters year-round. It is important that you remember your grill maintenance to keep...
Oct. 22017
►   Events during the next couple of weeks:        October 1:  Winter Store hours start:  Mon, Tues, Wed 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM, Thurs, Fri 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM, Sat 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Sun 12:00 PM –...
Sep. 222017
►   From Anne-Marie: We’ve added a wireless scanner, keyboard and mouse to Register 1 for a trial before we change out all the other registers.  I’d like to know how you like it, and if the battery in the scanner...
Sep. 152017
►    Get together for a pizza party for Stephanie, on Thursday September 21st, at 8:00 PM, here at the store.  Please RSVP to Dennis so we can plan. ►    Customer Feedback:  Cynthia M. of Amherst, NH sent us this feedback...
Sep. 122017
►   Events during the next couple of weeks: September 16: Happy Birthday to Andrew:  Free birthday cake in the coffee shop, while supplies last. September 20: Pool School 303 – Above Ground Pool Closing, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM September...
Sep. 112017
Ah, billiards. The game seems simple enough: just hit some balls into pockets on billiard tables. However, there are specific rules, as with everything. If you were to play 8 or 9 ball, would you still be able to move...
Sep. 12017
►    Customer Feedback:  Jennifer S. of Raymond, NH was referred by a furniture store so she “came in for a patio set and found one.  Not much of a selection but it’s end of season”.  She had this to say...
Aug. 292017
►   Events during the next couple of weeks: August 25-27: Giant Tent Sale! August 26:     Happy Birthday to Jim:  Free birthday cake in the coffee shop, while supplies last. August  30:     Pool School 304 ~ Inground Pool Closing,...
Aug. 232017
►   Happy Birthday to Jim on Monday, August 21st! ►    Customer Feedback:  Bruce M. of Bennington says, “The week before Labor Day weekend (of course!) I noticed that the pool filter pump has failed.  The filter and pump were already...
Aug. 142017
►    Customer Feedback:  Joe D. of Nashua, gave an excellent in general shopping  experience, “Always find employees helpful and professional”.  Joe put, “A former employee help us in a Pool Table purchase and gave us great advice and service”.  Joe’s...
Aug. 92017
Billiard tables have been around for years and are in many bars, hotels, and resorts. Pool is an entertaining game, and playing provides some nice benefits. During a typical game of pool, you could be playing for at least 2 hours,...
Aug. 72017
►    We have a new purple Pool Tips:  on Leak Detection and Repair.  Going into the Pool Tips Rack, and folder, in the patch kit area. ►    Customer Feedback:  Marc M. of Nashua, gave an excellent in general shopping  experience, “It...
Jul. 312017
►    Customer Feedback:  Michael B. of Nashua wrote, “Finally found the right furniture for our porch after 2 years looking.”  “Jeff Taylor help us find what we wanted.”  “Was very knowledgeable.”  No team members did a bad job. Sales help, the...
Jul. 212017
►    Customer Feedback:  Paul T. of Chelmsford wrote, he didn’t remember who the technician was, but wanted us to know, “handled install while at work, kept in phone contact.”  “Handled the swap of original purchase as it was wrong.”  “Overall...
Jul. 172017
When it comes to grilling, it may seem as though there are plenty of ways to cook. You can use gas grills, a charcoal grill, or any grill that meets your fancy. There are plenty of things you can cook,...
Jul. 172017
►     Allison is leaving us this week.  We wish her and Shawn the best of luck and health in the future, and look forward to seeing them at the party in August. ►    Customer Feedback:  Brian H. from Nashua, NH...
Jul. 72017
►    Happy birthday to Mia on Friday, July 14. ►    Customer Feedback:  Kap S.  rated their general shopping experience with us as Excellent.  Did any of our team members do an unusually good job?  “Dennis helped me select a pool...
Jun. 272017
►    Customer Feedback:  Customers Heidi & Sturdy T., of Dublin, NH rated their general shopping experience with us as Excellent.  “Good, knowledgeable sales people.  Allison awesome; Mia was great, they worked well together.”  Did any of our team members do...
Jun. 162017
►    Customer Feedback:  A Service & Repair Report Card was received from customer Laura G. from Mason, NH.  She rated us Excellent on most points.  “I called 3 times for a problem and the person who answered the phone never...
Jun. 132017
►    We have a short Reward$ email going out next week; with a $5.00 coupon with only a $19.00 purchase.  As usual, just follow the rules. ►    Customer Feedback:  Customer Gayle K. from Medfield, MA rated her general shopping experience...
Jun. 122017
The Aruba II collection will be floored again this year in a new color combination.  We changed the frame color from Black to Beechwood and will be showing this set in fabric # 466 James (muted gray).  The set will...
Jun. 52017
When it comes to billiard tables, no low-impact activity has been around as long. Popular enough to have pool halls in every town and the ability to become a trick sport, billiards have captured the American ideals since its inception....
Jun. 22017
►    Customer Feedback:  An anonymous customer rated their general shopping experience as Excellent.  Sales help, operations people, communication, and product performance were all rated Excellent.  “Knowledgeable and not pushy.”  They would recommend us to a friend.  “Great service – knowledgeable...
May. 302017
We will show the Del Mar curved sectional again this year.  It was a big hit last season and we sold out of this set fairly early.  This year we are changing the weave on the set to Roasted Pecan. ...
May. 262017
►    Customer Feedback:  A Service & Repair Report Card was received from customer Susan P. from Litchfield, NH.  She rated us Excellent on all points.  “Paul was friendly and knowledgeable.  We know nothing about our tub, and he instantly knew...
May. 222017
Gas grills are highly popular ways to enjoy the weather and the company of family and friends. Nothing quite allows for as much flavor as grilled burgers and dogs or even a few steaks and chickens. There is nothing that...